Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Last week in September already

Due Monday:
Algebra I: 1.2 pg. 49 1,3,5,7,10,13,14

Due Tuesday:
Algebra I: 1.3 pgs 55-58 #'s 1-5, 10-12
Geometry: 1.4 pgs. 56-58 #'s 1-15, 19-21, 24, 35-38
Algebra II: 1.3 pg 48 #'s 1-4 and finish lab report
Robotics/CSCI: flow-chart or ordered list of operations that describe exactly what your program will do.

Due Wednesday:
Algebra I: 1.4 pgs. 62-67 #'s 1-3, 5, 10, 13, 14
Geometry: 1.5 pgs. 64-66 #'s 1-9, 20-31
Algebra II: 1.4 pgs. 54-58 #'s 2,3,5, 13-15
Robotics/CSCI: edit the code at the bottom of this post (or your own) to output to the user something related to your program, eg "The program is over now" or "Your answer is 5"

Due Thursday:
Algebra I: 1.6a pgs. 73-76 #'s 1, 11, 12
Geometry: 1.6 pgs. 70-72 #'s 2-10 even, 14, 17-19, 21, 22
Algebra II: 1.5 pgs. 64-66 #'s 1, 3-7, 12-15

Friday homework due
Algebra I: 1.6b pgs. 73-76 #2, 4, 8, 10 - quiz today and PST
Geometry: 1.7 pgs. 76-78 #'s 3-5, 13-18 - quiz today
Algebra II: short write up (pg 69 step 7) - quiz today and PST
due monday pgs. 72-73 #'s 1-6, 10

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