Thursday, October 17, 2013
Furlough Over/Arduino in the Classroom
With the furlough finally over we can get back to work. I am excited to continue my work on creating a Project Based Engineering MOOC geared towards high school students who don't have engineering options at their high school. Besides being free to sign up, I am looking to make it free to participate also. This means that all of the projects will have to be made at no cost to the student. This presents a fun challenge, though not altogether new. As a classroom teacher, I always struggled to provide my students with meaningful tasks that fit within my school's budget.
So many (if not all) of the MOOCs I have seen are simply lecture put on the internet. I think this is wasted time for those who want to make the information accessible to a broader range of students (ie ones traditionally underrepresented in higher education and engineering) because we know that lecture only works for a subset of students (citation needed).
I just found out that now you can read about one way I integrate technology and programming into the classroom: