Friday, May 01, 2020

Fix-it Friday: Clogged Vacuum Cleaner

The patient presents with a red indicator, indicating a clog.  So first we do what the instructions say and clean out the filter and let dry completely.  Since I thought this would be it, I didn't take a picture.  This is usually the problem, but this time with the completely clean and dry filter assembly, still red.  So lets take it apart.  Most likely place for a clog is in the bottom:
 If you look at the image carefully there is a pro-tip from the manufacturer: "Use a screwdriver to take out the screws."  Thanks Hoover, I couldn't have figured that out on my own.  After unscrewing the screws with a screwdriver (who would have thunk?) the problem becomes clear:
Look at that big ugly piece of fluff, let's take that out.  Hmm, there seems to be more stuck in.  Ok let's take off the back hose and cram something in there to get it out.
 Now we are cooking with gas.  After I pushed as much as I could out with the stick, I pushed an old ethernet cable through so that the pokey plug in bit could grab any stragglers that were left behind.
Yikes that is a lot of fluff (and one lego, score!).  Let's clean off the string/hair/thread before we put it back.  Ah, that's better:
Now to reassemble and test and it purrs like a kitten.
I wonder what we'll do next week.